American Congress on Surveying & Mapping

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FIG - ACSM is one of two U.S. organizations that are members of the International Federation of Surveyors (FIG), and is the only U.S. Organization in FIG representing the interests of the surveying and mapping professions. 

Through its FIG Forum, ACSM sponsors representatives to the 10 Commissions of FIG (, and has provided leadership to the organization, including Bob Foster who served as President 1999-2002.

Formed in 1878, FIG provides an international forum for discussion and development aiming to promote professional practice and standards.  Currently 120 countries hold membership in FIG.

ABET - ACSM serves ABET as the Lead Society for the evaluation of Surveying and similarly named programs of instruction offered by colleges and universities throughout the US.  As the Lead Society, ACSM is also responsible for defining the program criteria under which evaluation occurs. 

NCEES - ACSM is a member of the NCEES Participating Organizations Liaison Council (POLC).  ACSM interacts with NCEES on criteria for education, experience, and examination related to licensure for professional surveyors.

IRWA - ACSM maintains a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with IRWA through which each organization participates in the conferences of the other, and collaborates with regards to issues common to both. 

BLM - ACSM offers assistance to BLM on several fronts, including advocacy for BLM programs and administrative assistance.  The CFEDS program and PLSS Foundation are among areas in which ACSM is very active.

ESRI - ACSM is a Foundation Sponsor of the ESRI Surveying, Engineering, and GIS Summit (SEGS).  ESRI holds its SEGS Special Interest Group meeting, and conducts GIS workshops during ACSM conferences.

