American Congress on Surveying & Mapping

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A Section is a group of members in a specific geographic area who promote the objectives of ACSM at a regional or local level.  In contrast to member organizations, which include members working in a specific discipline or profession, Sections include members from many disciplines and are defined only by the geographic boundaries of a particular concentration of members.

The Council of Sections is composed of representatives from each of the active Sections.  The Chair of the Council is a delegate to the ACSM Congress and should contribute to discussions, but does not have a vote.

The Sections provide forums for the discussion of regional issues affecting their members.  Any member of ACSM is eligible to join a section.  The method of joining a Section varies; contact a Section representative from your area for specific information.

List of Section Representatives: Click here

To provide a regional forum that represents all ACSM members and which provides support for those regional and local issues important to them.

Strategic Plan

  1. To develop effective communication between ACSM and the Sections by educating Section officers and members on expedient ways in which to communicate, and acting as intermediary when appropriate.
  2. Identify contact members willing to serve as representatives where Sections do not exist so that local members can conveniently convey their concerns, needs, ideas and complaints to the Council.
  3. Form liaisons with Member Organizations and other related groups to emphasize the disciplines ACSM represents.
  4. Liaison with the Communications Committee and affiliate newsletters to relay newsworthy Council and Section information, emphasizing the advantages of membership in regional Sections.
  5. Work with centers of education with pertinent programs to establish and support Student Chapters to ACSM.
  6. To reach out to the community it serves and educate professionals and
    sub-professionals about the issues and challenges facing surveyors and mappers.


Article I:  Name and Definitions

The Council of Sections is an associate organization of ACSM per Article II.B. of the ACSM Bylaws, hereafter referred to as the “Bylaws”. 
The Council of Sections shall hereafter be referred to as the “Council”.
“Sections” refer to the regional groups also referred to as the members of the Council.
Article II: Objectives
The Council shall promote, direct and assist Sections to fulfill their objectives and responsibilities.

The Council shall assist members to form Sections if they so desire.
Article III: Structure
Representatives and Officers

A. Representatives:

  1. Each Section shall designate one of their members to represent them at the annual Council meeting.  Only these designated representatives shall be able to vote at the Council meetings.
  2. The Council may designate an ACSM member to represent a geographic area where no Section exists.
  3. The Council may designate a member to represent members of ACSM with unique disciplines, occupations, or employment not otherwise addressed by the Member Organizations of ACSM.

B. Officers:

  1. Chair: The Chair shall preside at Council meetings, and appoint a Secretary at each meeting with the concurrence of the representatives.  The Chair, as delegate to the ACSM Congress, should use the minutes to make a report on the Council meeting.
  2. Secretary: The Secretary shall be responsible for the minutes of the Council meetings and for sending copies to all representatives, to ACSM staff and to Congress.
    Treasurer: The Treasurer is appointed by the Council and continues for an unlimited term as long as both parties are satisfied.  The Treasurer shall keep accurate records and make a report for the annual meeting of funds pooled from the active Sections and set aside for assisting to develop new Sections.

Article IV: Procedures
A. Meetings: The Council shall meet at the time and place of the annual business meeting of ACSM.
B. Quorum:  A quorum shall be a chair and two representatives.
C. The Chair shall serve for a term of two calendar years.
D. Chairpersons will be appointed by their Section to serve in the rotation order of Sections.

The current Section order of rotation for Council Chair:


Northern California 2009-2010
Alaska 2010-2012
New England 2013-2014
Utah 2015-2016
Southern California  
Northern California  

Article V: Amendments
These procedures may be amended by a simple majority of the voting members in attendance at a Council Meeting, or by polling all representatives between meetings and ratifying the results at the next annual meeting

